The AESSEAL® Oil PUMPPAC (PP/O1) is an efficient and also high performance forced circulation system.Also The product developes to meet the requirements of the API Plan 54 Piping Plan, which maximizes heat dump potential for the more arduous pump applications. The maximum operating pressure of the standard PP/O1 is 70 bar / 1016 psi. Also A fully certified ATEX version of the PP/01 is now available with a range of optional extras to suit all applications. AESSEAL® also offers a high flow pump option that can generate 12 litres / 3.17 gal (US) per minute (max pressure 35 bar / 508 psi).
AESSEAL® PUMPPAC Systems use when the heat dissipation from a thermosyphon system is not sufficient for the application.
Maximizes barrier fluid heat dump potential
The PUMPPACTM can install in a variety of zoned environments by interchanging the instrumentation options
Barrier fluid cooling of two or more mechanical seals can accurately controll
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