The DISP range double stationary mechanical seals provide highly-technical, value-engineered sealing solutions applicable for all industry sectors.Also the seal incorporates an integral bi-directional flow inducer for effective seal cooling.
DISP Features:
Dual seal with inboard reverse hydraulic balanced seal faces
The seal faces will remain closed in process upset conditions or in times of lost barrier fluid pressure.
The dual seal has a radially ‘thin’ inboard seal face running track
Lower heat generation compared with alternate dual balanced seal face designs.
Hydraulically pressure balanced seal faces
Elimination of cantilever forces and thrust loads, which can also lead to seal face distortion and leakage.
True double mechanical seal with two sets of independent springs
A ‘safe’ double seal design. The inboard seal faces are not energized by the same springs that energize the outboard seal faces.
Dual seal with bi-directional pumping to circulate barrier fluid irrespective of shaft rotational direction
Effective circulation of the barrier fluid to remove heat build-up within the seal.
Also One seal design may be employed for double-ended pumps with no risk of operator installation mix-up.
Effective barrier fluid flow path,irrespective of shaft rotation
More reliable heat removal and improved conditions at the seal faces over convection principles.
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