Eliminate over 50% of bearing failures with the LabTecta IP66 certified bearing protector: a true non-contacting labyrinth design with a shut-off design that really works.
The most cost effective reliability upgrade for your equipment
The LabTecta 66 range can eliminate the cause of 52% of your bearing failures.
Through its dynamic lift technology, it allows the equipment to breathe when
running, but is perfectly sealed when the equipment isn’t running,
preventing the ingress of contaminants.
LabTecta 66 can be used to upgrade applications that are used in difficult locations, or are prone to premature bearing failure.
Steam turbines (LabTecta 66ST)
Axial movement (LabTecta 66AX)
Oil flooded applications (LabTecta 66FS)
Split-seal designs for easier installation (LabTecta 66RDS)
Pillow blocks (LabTecta 66PB)
Inboard / outboard air purge for difficult environments (LabTecta 66IAP / LabTecta 66OAP).
52% of Bearing failures are due to contamination of the bearing oil*.
This represents 20.8% of all rotating equipment failures
A major study into equipment reliability has shown 48% of all bearing failures are due to particle contamination of the bearing oil, with an additional 4% due to corrosion caused by contamination of the bearing oil.
Research conducted by a major academic institution has shown that water contamination as low as 0.002% (20ppm) in some oils can reduce bearing life by as much as 48% LabTecta 66 reduces bearing failure by:
Preventing water ingress
Also Preventing dust ingress
Eliminating shaft damage due to rubbing
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