Operating range
Shaft diameter:
d1 = 14 … 110 mm (0.55″ … 4.33″)
Pressure: p1 = 18 bar (261 PSI),
vacuum … 0.5 bar (7.25 PSI),
up to 1 bar (14.5 PSI) with seat locking
Temperature: t = -20 °C … +140 °C
(-4 °F … +284 °F)
Sliding velocity: vg = 10 m/s (33 ft/s)
Admissible axial movement: ±2.0 mm (±0.08″)
eMG1 Materials
Seal face: Carbon graphite antimony impregnated (A), Carbon graphite resin impregnated (B),also Silicon carbide (eSiC-Q7)
Seat: Silicon carbide (eSic-Q7, Q1)
Elastomer: NBR (P), EPDM (E),also FKM (V),
Metal parts: CrNiMo steel (G),also Hastelloy® (M)